So, now that Kalleigh is up, Ronin deserves just as much fame. (yes, fame, since I now have a whopping 2 followers...both of who I am very close with) Ronin was born June 16 to a great friend, Gina. I poured into her room at 0730 2 days later and snapped a few pics before the lab lady came. Gina said, "Oh, you can have at him whenever you want." Which sort of sounded more like, "You can have at 'em whenever you want." And the lab lady proceeded to call him Adam for the next 5 min while Gina and I avoided eye contact and resisted the urge to laugh. Anywho, these pictures are the result of Ronin's first photo shoot.
Normally I don't like it when only part of the picture is in color, but this works.
I think these look great! You're hired again, once our little guy is here!